
Smoking bluefish
Smoking bluefish

smoking bluefish

Troll for them using wire line in offshore rips. If you need to make it difficult, use a fly rod off a boat in shallow waters. As noted above they will eat anything they are extremely aggressive and greedy when feeding, so they can be caught using virtually any bait or angling method. One good thing about Bluefish is that they are really easy to catch. Off camera we can hear the robbed angler shout, “HEY!” and some other dopey shit like, “that’s my fish!”, apparently distressed at the loss of his catch, he should of course been shouting, “YAY!”, celebrating the fact that he would not have to unhook his lure from that mouth full of nasty, snapping teeth. Suddenly a seal charges out of the surf, grabs the fish in its teeth, rips it free from the line then ambles back to the water with its prize. A few years ago, a viral video appeared on youtube as it begins an angler is hauling Bluefish from the surf on to the beach of Nantucket’s Great Point. Sharp teeth that slash anything they get hold of like a serrated knife. What I’m saying is, Bluefish got teeth…and they ain’t afraid to use them. Compared to the Bluefish Jeffrey Dahmer was a picky eater. Depending on location and season Bluefish are known to eat menhaden, squid, sardines, jacks, weakfish, grunts, anchovies, shrimp and the young fry of many species who upon reaching maturity return the favor by hunting Blues. What is in fact running away is every organism the same size or smaller than a Bluefish possessing the means to self-propel, which has the misfortune of sharing the sea with them, including other Bluefish. Note the disdain on the face of the young Yoho.Įvery spring in New England, right around the same time the Stripers come in to our local waters, you also begin hearing that “the Blues are runnin’”. If Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons mentioned them in a speech he would salute their vigor. You can find them slipping through the Dardanelles, seasonally migrating between the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

smoking bluefish

The Bluefish is a sneaky bastard too, not above the use of alias Aussies call them Tailor, in East Africa they are known as Shad, and on the West coast of the US they are called Elf. They range the seas from New England to Florida, skipping the West Indies entirely (this is perhaps a result of an innate aversion to rum and reggae music) before re-appearing, in slavering hordes, on the coast of Brazil, leaving, as evidence of their presence, a slimy trail down the South American coastline, all the way to Patagonia. Bluefish are like the threat of Islamists imposing Sharia law in Oklahoma, terrifying, in every way like Rush Limbaugh’s most fervid nightmare, except Bluefish are real. Simply put, you can’t say where they might strike next. Few are the places where a fisherman has never cursed these nasty bastards while scrubbing slime off the deck of his boat and tackle. Their nastiness is experienced firsthand by fisherfolk from a broad sampling of nationalities and ethnicities. The extent to which Bluefish are distributed around the globe is stunning. Anglers spend countless hours on shore and in boats on the water fishing for them, some people even claim to like eating them, but if one were allowed only three words to describe the Bluefish to a farmer from Topeka, they would be the first three words of this paragraph. Ok, that fish doesn’t even want to be the Bluefish’s second cousin. Think of the second nastiest fish you can. So nasty in fact that they are the only member of the family Pomatomidae. If, like a scientist, you refer to Bluefish by their Latin name then you’ve probably never been covered in a slurry of regurgitated sand eels and blood, while removing a lure from one of their frothing, snapping mouths of teeth. If you’ve ever had much cause to interact with Pomatomus Saltatrix, then you know what I mean. Please give us an update if you find a good one.Bluefish are nasty. The only freshwater fish that I eat is crappie and large bluegills. As to freshwater fish to smoke, I will be interested in your findings. As the original poster found out, these are excellent smoked and in dip. We also caught large chopper bluefish in the spring. We caught these in the early spring, and smoked, they are great. Up in the midatlantic, boston mackerel smoked very good.

smoking bluefish

Normally we would release all billfish, but every once in a while, you would bring in one that was already dead. We would also occasionally smoke sailfish. Most restaurants had a smoked kingfish dip on the menu. In Florida, the smoked fish of choice was the king mckerel. Plenty of smoked fish dip has past these lips from a number of different species. My work found me fishing all up and down the east coast. In my younger days, I worked as a mate and later a captain on charter fishing boats.

Smoking bluefish